Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Finding torque of servo motors

Servo motors have a great role in controlling the movement of robots, model airplane and helicopter. But what is it that makes servo motors works well? It’s the torque of the machines that makes is fit or unfit for the large machines like airplanes. People find the appropriate servo motors for their machines by calculating motor’s torque. Let us find how to do it.
  • Place the motor on a flat surface preferably a table and secure it with shaft suspending at the table edge.
  • Fasten the least weight object at an end of a thread and the motor shaft at the other end so that when motor runs the thread winds around the shaft. 
  • Connect motor wire with the power point and observe the shaft and thread movement.
  • If it winds around freely then stop the motor and replace the light weight object with a slightly heavier object and repeat the process to check if the motor still runs the same way.
  • Keep increasing the weight until the motor stalls, then find the smallest weight the delayed or stop the motor. The smaller the weight you increase, the more accurate the calculation will be.
  • Take measurement of the motor shaft radius and multiply the mass of the weight that stalled the motor by the radius of the shaft. The result you got is the torque of the servo motor.
If you know the way to calculate the torque, you can check whether the servo motors you bought is appropriate for your machine or not. So, the next time when you are not sure if the motor you purchased is appropriate or not, you can calculate toque with this simple method and get your answer.